Saturday, May 25, 2013

Let me Introduce everyone to the World of the Lotus, Discovered in India over 2500 years ago and then reported in China over 2000 years ago.
In those countries the are pink and white, here in Florida and some other southern states they are Yellow.
The Lotus is one the highlights of the Marsh, here in the Everglades from mid May through late Summer, we have the privilege to enjoy the beauty as well as the nutrition value of the plant.

The lotus can be harvested - using the roots for pickeling, crush into a powder for several use in casserols, soups, pastry, The stem is used in stir fry' and baked goods
The Bud is used in Salads and the Pod, once matured produces a seed pod that is one of the most Heart Healthy nuts used today. The dried pod is also used in flower  arrangements.

You will enjoy the beauty of the marsh aboard one of our airboats and you may even enjoy some swamp snacks, ask your captain

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